Which Wall Color Suits Your Indoor Plants Well? plants with brown painted wall

Guest Contributor: Isabelle Grainger

Indoor plants provide both aesthetic and health values and are a must-have. There are a lot of things that can contribute to the growth of your indoor plant including wall color. Wall color may not have the greatest effect on your indoor plant but it plays an important role. By choosing certain wall colors in your indoor garden or plant area, you can help optimize the growth of the plant. Before you choose to paint the area, it is important to know what effect
different colors have on indoor plants. Some of the wall colors that are best suited to plant growth include:

plants against white painted wall

White is mostly known as a neutral color and it goes well with almost anything, including plants. Not only is the white favorable for plant growth, but it also provides an excellent background for the plants to grow against. White also helps to draw the focus in the room to the plants and highlight them to anyone in the room. Due to the neutrality of white, the main source of color in the room will be the plants, which is a great effect on its own. Additionally, the white color creates the illusion of open space, allowing for clean air to circulate in the room and feed the plants.


sky blue wall with chair

Sky Blue

Same as with the sky, sky blue creates an aura of calmness wherever it is used and that is the aura you will be creating around the plants. If you are creating an indoor garden or somewhere to relax after a workday, then you can't go wrong with sky blue walls. The sky-like color creates an outdoor look that blends in perfectly with the plants and can make you feel you are outdoors. Sky blue is a mild color, so it won’t overshadow the plants, rather it blends in perfectly and creates amazing results.

Mint Green

Green walls would always compliment green plants perfectly and that is the case with mint green. The combination of mint green and your indoor plants will work together to create a jungle vibe. The best thing about mint green as opposed to deeper shades of green is that mint green is mild. Where deeper shades of green would end up overpowering the plant, or the room in general, mint green works perfectly with the plant. To improve the effectiveness of the mint green walls on the plants, place the plants close to the wall, casting shadows on the wall. The result will prove to be interesting, especially during the day.

terracotta wall with plant

Thanks to its sandy look, terracotta creates the illusion of the outdoors around the plant. In the same light, it gives an outdoorsy vibe to the plants, which is favorable for plant growth. Terracotta comes in multiple hues, featuring both brown and pink hues, both of which complement indoor plants perfectly. Terracotta is mostly for aesthetic value as the plants and the color background fit perfectly together to create a forest-like theme in your home. It also helps to create a seemingly warm climate around the plant, similar to the climate in North Africa.

coffee brown wall

Coffee Brown

Coffee brown is known to complement natural elements and plants are in this category. Unlike darker shades of brown, coffee brown accents the plants and creates a nature vibe around your indoor plants. Best of all, coffee brown perfectly complements wooden furniture and wooden flooring, with similar colors, all adding to accenting the plant. When coupled with the plants and furniture, you will be creating a natural theme in the home, with simple wall paint and a few indoor plants.

The only problem that you can encounter with indoor plants is the amount of light the plant will need to grow. You can work around the light requirement by installing a grow light. You can make sure the grow light fits in with the color of the wall, which will help to improve the growth conditions of the plants.


Some colors better complement indoor plants and help contribute to the aesthetics of the grow area, as well as improve plant growth conditions. When choosing the color to paint your plant growing area, you will need to be mindful to ensure the color both complement the plants and other modifications you may make.