Setting up

Nix Spectro 2 Spectrophotometer

Congratulations on purchasing a Nix Spectro 2. Now, let’s set it up!

Setting up your Nix Spectro 2 Color Sensor is a simple process. Follow the steps in our easy-to-follow written instructions below!

Spectro with case

What's inside the box

Nix Spectro 2 Spectrophotometer

Hard-shell protective carrying case

USB-C charging cable

Microfiber carrying pouch


Microfiber cloth

Reference tile

Inspection certificate

Getting set up

Step 1: Awake

Wake up your Spectro 2 by plugging it into the USB-C cable, and the cable into a charger. The gel sticker on top of the device will indicate it’s connected to power. Charge for four hours.

Step 2: Download

Download the free Nix Toolkit App from either the Google Play store or Apple App Store.

App Store badge
Google Play badge

Step 3: Location & Wireless Connectivity

You must allow location services and wireless connectivity on your device for your Nix Spectro 2 to function.

Step 4: Connect

In the top right of the Nix Toolkit App, select the device icon. Choose “Connect to Nix” and select your Nix Spectro 2 from the list.

Step 5: Scan Away!

Place your Nix Spectro 2 firmly on any flat surface for the most accurate results. Remember to save and share your scans!

Reference Tile & Calibration

Under normal operating conditions, the Nix Spectro 2 does not need daily calibration.

Nix has designed a durable platform built upon an all-metal chassis, sealed tempered glass lenses, and no moving parts. Our devices use solid-state light sources (LEDs) and automatically compensate for small ambient temperature changes. These light sources are rated for hundreds of thousands of measurements over their lifetime.

You may want to either check your calibration status or perform a calibration if:

  • Significant ambient temperature changes (greater than 10°C) have been experienced since the last calibration.
  • More than one week has elapsed since the last calibration.
  • You have taken over 1000 measurements since your last calibration.
  • You suspect you may have physically shocked your device.
  • You are experiencing unreliable results.

Note: For proper operation, you must ensure that your device’s lens is clean and your calibration tile is well maintained. Please see your device user manual for more information on proper maintenance. 

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